Shakira Was Right... Your Hips Don't Lie!
Do you spend a lot of time in a seated position?
If you do, it’s likely that you’ve got some tight quads, hip flexors, hamstrings, or all of the above.
The causes of hip pain
Why? Because a lot of muscles cross the hip joint. When we have large muscle groups like the quads or hamstrings that are pulling on the pelvis, it can distort or put uneven pressure on the hip joint.
We know it's nearly impossible to avoid being in a seated position throughout the day; especially if your livelihood depends on it.

Tips agains muscle imbalances and to avoid chronic hip pain?
First, try spending a couple minutes on each muscle (quads, hip flexors, hamstrings, glutes) using the Pin and Hold technique! This will help re-hydrate the fascia, and unlock tension in the nervous system.
What's the Pin and Hold Technique?
Pretty much exactly what it sounds like. You take a SMR Tool (we recommend the Axle, Atom, Helix, or Recovery Rounds), and you place it on the area of discomfort. Instead of rolling around on the tool, just stay still and apply pressure to the area for an extended period of time (about 30 seconds). Don't forget to breathe deeply as you do so!

For extra credit, go through your groin as well! Remember, if it feels tight or sensitive under the roller, then circle back a couple times a week.
How to avoid hip pain?
Hip pain can be inflammation of the joint as well. If you’re finding pinching or sharp pain right near the hip joint, simply back off and move a few centimeters away. You’ll avoid aggravating the hip joint, but more importantly, you can create some space in the joint, and hopefully take unwanted pressure off.

How to understand if you have spine twist
Most of us have subtle twists in our body. If you were to look at your spine through an x-ray, you’d likely see that it bends and twists slightly, due to uneven muscle tension. If you roll both quads back to back, and find that one feels different from the other, you might want to spend more time on the side that feels worse. It’s an indication of uneven loading on your joints. Your rollers can be a wonderful tool to not only spot, but really feel these imbalances, and start to take action to keep things on an even keel.