Gut Health is all about movement. Keeping things moving, that is.
The gut has it’s own musculature that helps push things along, but it’s heavily assisted by your own bodily movement.
10,000 years ago we interacted with the ground much more than we do today. We had rocks and tree stumps to sit on, but not our mostly uniform chairs of today. People sat on the ground, on their heels, or otherwise on mostly low seating.
Getting up and down from a low position helps pressurize the whole organ cavity, forcing subtle movements throughout the intestines.
Bending, twisting, and generally ‘deforming’ your whole torso adds to the whole process, helping everything move along as it should. When we combine the active movement of the intestinal muscles with the secondary movements of twisting and flexing the torso, our gut gets all the movement it needs to stay healthy and moving.
In modern days, we just don’t interact with the ground that much on a daily basis, which doesn’t give the full ‘range of motion’ of our organ cavities, but exercise and movement in general can be a huge help to the gut.

The Centre helps by giving you that ‘secondary motion’ that you may not be getting enough of on a daily basis, along with gently mobilizing the whole abdominal wall.
Low back pain and the gut?
Two things to consider. Oftentimes we have fascial tension that wraps itself all the way around the back to the front, causing unusual tension in the lower back. We also have the hip flexors that essentially reside in the gut, pulling the back out of whack when they’re too tight. Some light Centre work can help you to find out if anything like this is going on in your body.
Dermatomes aren’t talked about much outside of the doctors office, but they can be important indicators of gut and low back health.
Dermatomes are essentially areas of skin that other organs and structures refer pain to. The classic example is when someone has a heart attack. You’ll often see pain in the left shoulder... but why is that? It’s because of dermatomes. The heart doesn’t really show pain itself, it reflexes out to a certain area of the skin, which ‘feels’ the pain.
The gut is the same way. Sometimes digestive stress can manifest as low back pain, hamstring pain, etc, because the way you feel that pain isn’t necessarily the location of the problem.
If you have back pain, gut health and abdominal function is almost always a good thing to check out, or have checked out.